Ready to Move

M3M One Key Resiments
Sector 67, Gurugram
- 80 Lakh* Onwards
- 1050 Sq. Ft.

Property Description
Situated in Gurugram, the M3M One-Key Resiments offer a mix of metropolitan way of life with savvy living innovation that offers another aspect to overhauled space. This venture by the M3M bunch offers open spaces that can be specially designed by your decision and demands. The plan to bring different offices under one rooftop is shaping in India with the development progress of M3M One key Resiments. This blended use land project is situated nearby M3M Urbana and is enlivened by a California-like worldwide plan that is known for offering common office spaces alongside retail spaces, in close closeness to your private unit.
M3M One-key Resiments Gurugram guarantees you to encounter a modern way of life that will give a totally new importance to life. The task is right now a mid-stage project situated in a beneficial worker zone as of late. The venture accompanies prevalent and very much planned lofts with every single fundamental convenience and certain astounding elements. A progressive new idea has been consolidated without precedent for India at M3M One Key Regiments. Situated in M3M Urbana, At One-key Resi-ments you will find a way of life so creative that it will rethink your reality.
The enumerating of the insides and outsides of the units has been done nicely as well. From trendy ground surface to ample galleries, the standard kitchen region and all that will give it an appealing look. The ground breaking strategy of the task incorporates countless beneficial highlights that together assurance a peaceful lifestyle. Project particulars incorporate full power reinforcement, more than adequate stopping, and a nonstop water supply to make life agreeable. M3M One Key Resiments Area 67offer open spaces, which are accessible for you to remodel according to your necessities and taste. The choice of having a gainful work area inside your living region will likewise be available to you, expanding simple entry and productivity.
About Builder
Spread out in 2010, M3M India is an improvement story contemplating what’s going on with moral corporate trick, straightforwardness, commitment and energy, driven by Basant Bansal, the Facilitator Head of M3M India. Basant Bansal – the Organizer Chief, and Roop Bansal and Pankaj Bansal – the Promotors of M3M India Get-together, have worked with a striking vision for M3M India to make the Plot one of the most sought after land facilitators in the country. With time, M3M India has arisen as a prominent advantage in the flood, private, and retail regions in realty in the country.
M3M India has around 50 undertakings extraordinarily in Gurugram itself and conveyed every one of the endeavors moved off going before 2019. Improvement is going all out in various undertakings and the undertakings will be completely conveyed inside courses of events. At the present time, M3M India Party is delighted to have in its kitty around 30 million square feet of saleable space.
The Affiliation’s odd activities have especially amassed beast premium from cash related associates from India and abroad. The bewildering activities of the M3M India Get-together, M3M Golfestate and Trump Tops, in Gurugram have changed into the approvals of the norm of progress Gurugram has been tracking down in realty. M3M Golfestate – the 56-part of land exceptionally overabundance lodging like worked with complex, is a cutting edge plan and has won different respected grants for being perhaps of the Most fundamental Flood Try in India and abroad.
With an upgrade on building a stunning district – “M3M Facilitated City Delhi Air terminal”, M3M India is attracting a couple unbelievably excess private and amazing one-kilometer-long retail and business projects on Dwarka Way.
With a shocking region bank of 3,000 packs, M3M India manages the standards of 3Ts – Trust, Straightforwardness and Ideal vehicle. Crazy, the arrangement has been to gather a joined chart where, from having region to making, supporting, conveying off, moving, transport and after-deals, the everything that out worth chain is made inside. Dealing with these central factors plainly close by saves time, expenses, and activities are better coordinated concerning working circumstances and checking.
Year 2022-23 – A time of progress and setting accomplishments
M3M India recorded the most raised at whatever point plans of Rs. 13,000 crores what’s more sold a record space of around 10 million square feet in FY’23. The M3M India has correspondingly settled a standard by selling 6,380 units, both in private and business spaces, during the said cash related year. In FY’22, the Association recorded plans of Rs. 5,422 crore and sold more than 4,000 units in the two pieces.
The Affiliation picked inevitably a gigantic piece of its outlines from private undertakings, which was 134% higher on a YoY premise. Business deals other than rose 74% in FY’22. A record has other than been set by M3M India for selling private units and specialty units in FY’23, which were 55% and 65% higher, clearly.
Connection, as a rule, sold 10 million square feet of room in FY’23, which is other than around 72% higher when wandered from the FY’22 figure.
The Interest other than conveyed off five star retail projects, as M3M Pearl on MG Street (covering the IFFCO metro station) and M3M Route65 on the Green Progression Street. M3M as such genuinely conveyed different Private and Business projects, including M3M Broadway, All that considered Cash related Center (IFC) and M3M Skywalk, to give a couple of models.
Year 2023-24 onwards – Set to move Dish India with presence in different metropolitan region
M3M India has strong regions for tremendous for fundamental for a fixed in FY’24 with transportation off a mix of 10 exceptionally overabundance private and business projects in Gurugram, Noida and Panipat, with an in standard saleable space of around 12 million square feet. The Affiliation is expecting a topline of about Rs. 30,000 crores through these activities. In Noida, the Plot has bought 2 land stores of 13 packs and 3 get-togethers in Locale 94 and Region 72, obviously, with retail, business and studio lofts. M3M India has committed a speculation of Rs 7,500 crores in Uttar Pradesh in the genuinely completed for the day Money related help Finish 2023, which is the most brought data surrendered in the land region in Uttar Pradesh. Staying aware of its responsibility, the Affiliation will contribute Rs. 1,850 crores in making the two undertakings, taking its aiding through interest in UP to Rs. 3,300 crores out of Rs. 7500 crores really conveyed.
M3M India has really moved off Stage I of its at first plotted-progress project – ‘M3M City of Dreams’ in Panipat, Haryana, on the 350-part of land pack, which will have a firm speculation of Rs. 27,00 crores, making it the best course of action in India. The Panipat project is given 900 plots in Stage I, going from 140 to 180 square yards, with a worth of Rs. 600 crores, out of which 436 plots have proactively been sold, with a general plans worth of Rs. 250 crore.
Occupations Creation – A piece of business structure
The land region is the second most clear chief in the nation, giving ways for extraordinary work creation. Fittingly, each undertaking of M3M India makes far in wealth of business and occupation open entryways at various levels. Generally, work for around 5000 individuals at various levels till the endeavor is genuinely conveyed. Post-progress in basically similar way, the undertakings make work in the space of standard assistance and other related affiliations.